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Terms and Conditions


At the time of adoption, you will be required to complete an adoption agreement.

The terms and conditions below are what you will be agreeing to.


Adoption Fees: Adoption Fees must be paid in full at the time of adoption using the methods of cash, card (facility for card payment at the sanctuary only), cheque or BACs. These fees go part way to cover the costs of the animal and centre. Adoption fees are as follows – Dogs ??, Cat x 1 £90, Cats x 2 £170, Rabbit x 1 £45, Rabbits x 2 £80, Rabbits x 3 or more £100, Guinea pigs x 1 £25, Guinea pigs x 2 £30, Guinea pigs x 3 or more £40, Rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils £5 each


Terms and conditions of adoption

  • I have considered all aspects of pet ownership including the costs of insurance, veterinary fees, feeding and grooming and I am prepared to accept the personal and financial responsibility of ownership. I also have the time to give proper exercise, enrichment and undertake any training that is needed.

  • I agree to register this animal with a qualified vet, will maintain a vaccination and parasite control programme in accordance with veterinary guidelines and understand that it is my responsibility to pay for all necessary treatments from the date of adoption.

  • I understand that all animals are vet checked by TAG Pet Rescue’s designated veterinary practice and any health conditions discovered will be fully disclosed prior to adoption. However, due to the unknown history of this animal there can be no guarantees against any hereditary defects, conditions or illness and agree that TAG Pet Rescue cannot be held liable for any future treatment costs, unless a written agreement has been made to the contrary.

  • I understand that I am solely responsible for keeping the adopted animal under proper control and accept full responsibility for the animal and its actions. I am aware that animals can occasionally cause damage and agree that TAG Pet Rescue are not responsible for any actions of the animal once it is in my care.

  • I agree to contact TAG Pet Rescue immediately should any behavioural problems arise and will work with them and/or a behaviourist to try and rectify any problems.

  • This animal is not to be passed to another owner or rescue centre without TAG Pet Rescue's prior consent in writing and, should I choose, or be unable, to keep this animal for any reason I will return it to TAG Pet Rescue.

  • The animal is not to be destroyed unless it is deemed necessary on medical grounds by a qualified veterinary practitioner.

  • I understand that if any of the terms and conditions are broken, then TAG Pet Rescue or their authorised representatives have the absolute right to remove the animal from my care and there will be no refund of adoption fees for any animal so returned.

  • I agree that TAG Pet Rescue may retain the contact information that I have supplied for the purpose of contacting me from time to time.

  • No animal is to be used for breeding purposes. Some small animals cannot be neutered, in these cases it is the my responsibility to make sure the animals are housed in same sex groups and do not come into contact with those of the opposite sex. If the animal is too young to be neutered at time of adoption, I agree to have this done at the earliest opportunity as agreed and signed with TAG Pet Rescue in the neutering contract.



If you want to adopt the animal you're fostering you MUST let us know as soon as possible. Fosterers will NOT automatically be allowed to adopt the animal if a suitable applicant has come forward so you must let us know BEFORE we forward an application to you. If a fosterer adopts the animal they are fostering, the FULL adoption fee will apply and is payable at the time of adoption.


If you are unable to keep fostering an animal in your care for whatever reason, TAG Rescue will make every effort to get them back to either a kennel, the centre or another fosterer. However, if this is not possible you will need to keep the animal until an alternative placement can be found, this can take time. You will have to return the animal to the rescue yourself when a space is found, along with all possessions we have supplied for that animal. You must not under any circumstances give the animal to a third party or allow other family members to take the animal, the animal must come back to TAG Pet Rescue.


TAG Pet Rescue will never share your details with any other individual, organisation or company without your express, written, permission.


We may contact you by email, so please make sure that our main email is saved to your contacts to avoid any communications going to your junk folder.

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